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- Hits: 1865
In October 2018 the UCA IEC 61850 Edition 2 conformance test of Ashida Electronics protection relay ADR245B was successfully carried on at their premises by DNV GL with the remote assistance of our team. As an extension of this session all configuration files and data model tests were successfully performed on the other Ashida Electronics product variants built using the same communication hardware and software version:
· ADR245B Enhanced Version – Directional Feeder Protection Relay
· ADR245B Basic Version – Directional Feeder Protection Relay
· ADR233B Modular Version – Transformer Protection Relay
· ADR233B Enhanced Version – Transformer Protection Relay
· ADR233B Basic Version – Transformer Protection Relay
· ADR244B Modular Version – Motor Protection Relay
· ADR244B Enhanced Version – Motor Protection Relay
The implementation of the IEC 61850 communication interface in this product series was done by INFO TECH team based on INFO TECH IEC 61850 Software Library and with the preliminary conformance verification using INFO TECH 61850 Tester System.
The UCA IUG Certificate of the IEC 61850 Ed.2 conformance Level A was issued on the 20th of December 2018.
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- Hits: 2032
We are pleased to announce that in September 2018 the products of our customer Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG from Switzerland - the power monitoring units PQ3000, PQ5000, CU3000, CU5000, DM5000, AM1000, AM2000, AM3000 - received the UCA IUG IEC 61850 conformance certificate from TÜV SÜD after passing the tests defined by the UCA IUG Conformance Test Procedures for Edition 2.
The IEC 61850 server interfaces in these power monitoring devices were developed using the licensed INFO TECH IEC 61850 Software Library.
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- Hits: 2096
We are pleased to announce that on the International Power Industry Fair ENERGETAB 2018 our customer - Elektrometal Energetyka S.A. - was awarded with the Cup of the Minister of Energy (Poland) for their product: Integrated power supply system based on e2ALPHA-G switchgear and e2TANGO controller.
We are additionally proud of the fact that the IEC 61850 communication interface in e2TANGO controller was implemented using the licensed INFO TECH IEC61850 Software Library (also awarded on ENERGETAB Fair in 2017).
Z przyjemnością informujemy, że na Międzynarodowych Energetycznych Targach Bielskich ENERGETAB 2018 nasz klient - firma Elektrometal Energetyka S.A. - został nagrodzony Pucharem Ministra Energii za produkt: Zintegrowany system zasilania w oparciu o rozdzielnicę górniczą e2ALPHA-G i sterownik e2TANGO.
Dodatkowym powodem naszej satysfakcji jest fakt, że w sterowniku e2TANGO interfejs komunikacyjny IEC 61850 zaimplementowany został przy użyciu licencjonowanej biblioteki oprogramowania INFO TECH IEC61850 Software Library (również wyróżnionej rok wcześniej na Targach ENERGETAB 2017).
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- Category: Blog
- Hits: 1996
We are pleased to announce that on the International Power Industry Fair ENERGETAB 2018 our customer - RELPOL S.A. - was awarded with the Cup of the President of Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association for their product: CZIP®-PRO - the new generation bay controller.
We are additionally proud of the fact that the IEC 61850 communication interface in CZIP®-PRO controller was implemented using the licensed INFO TECH IEC61850 Software Library (also awarded on ENERGETAB Fair in 2017).
Z przyjemnością informujemy, że na Międzynarodowych Energetycznych Targach Bielskich ENERGETAB 2018 nasz klient - firma RELPOL S.A. - został nagrodzony Pucharem Prezesa Polskiego Towarzystwa Przesyłu i Rozdziału Energii Elektrycznej za produkt: CZIP®-PRO - sterownik polowy nowej generacji.
Dodatkowym powodem naszej satysfakcji jest fakt, że w sterowniku CZIP®-PRO interfejs komunikacyjny IEC 61850 zaimplementowany został przy użyciu licencjonowanej biblioteki oprogramowania INFO TECH IEC61850 Software Library (również wyróżnionej rok wcześniej na Targach ENERGETAB 2017).
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- Category: Blog
- Hits: 1623
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Significance to participant's work rated 3.8
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